Led C10W car 41, 42 and 43mm


LED bulbs C10W Car and Motorcycle

In Audioledcar we have a high variety of products in reference led bulbs, halogen, etc In this category you will be able to find the best bulb socket LED C10W.

Where do you put this bulb? This bulb can be used in the interior of the vehicle either in the soffits for both front and rear as in the tuition. You can put these bulbs both in vehicles and on motorbikes.

How these bulbs carry canbus? These bulbs lead the resistance of canbus therefore if you have a vehicle that is higher than the year 2005, you must take into account that not will give failure of light cast.

I have already purchased my bulb C5W, how should I install it? It may be that it will be a very simple question, but it is important, you must change the bulbs provided that this is not the contact of the key position, everything should stay off.

Below, we enclose the bulb that we have within our web page Audioledcar.


(Light bulb socket resistance of the canbus to avoid the failure of light cast, suitable for tuition, interior ceiling lamps front, rear, etc

In addition, on our web Audioledcar you can also find a variety of tools to help you be able to remove the bulbs and ceiling lamps with much ease. Both kits are very little in size and can be carried in the vehicle with ease, and without disturbing the driver.

If you have doubts that light bulb takes your vehicle, please do not hesitate to contact us by email, phone or through the chat of the website so that we can help and we can tell you that cap bulb to take your car or bike.

You have doubts? Here we explain in more detail You have doubts?

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Customer Questions and Answers

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    Question about Opel - Corsa:

    Hola, muy buenas. Quería saber en que se diferencian las bombillas LED C10W y C5W. Gracias.

    Answer: Buenos días. Se diferencia en la medida, la C10W es de 41 mm y la C5W puede ser de 36 o 39 mm , ademas de la potencia en halogeno, ( en led ese dato no es relevante). Un saludo.

Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps: