Kit Hidroimpresión (Do it yourself)

Kit Hidroimpresión Do it Yourself: these are the kit you will be able to perform work of hidroimpresión without any technical knowledge, just follow the instructions in our manual and you are done. It's that easy. In the kit will include everything you need.

The hidroimpresión is a technique by which it is painted parts of the car with the end in many occasions of simply decorating. Through a kit hiroimpresión yourself you will be able to perform the works of hidroimpresión although you do not have any prior knowledge about it you will only have to follow the instructions that will appear regularly on your own. You'll just have to follow the instructions in the manual.

The kit hidroimpresión do it at home consist of a few sheets that extend over the water and then putting them in the vehicle the piece to decorate. The blades of hidroimpresion stick to the surface of the vehicle and then fastened through the application of a lacquer which gives the final finishing.

We can find these sheets hidroimpresión with all kinds of shapes and designs and as you say you only have to select them and put hands to the work, because yourself, you will be able to place them in your vehicle.

With these kits hidroimpresión everything you need to paste the sheets. To do this always, you have to follow some common steps that will allow you to change the look of your car.

The first will be to clean the piece with which we want to decorate through the hidroimpresión. To produce a perfect finish of the base has to be white or gray. Then there will be that the filling of a pail of water at about 30°C, put masking tape in the picture and the same picture of hidroimpresión in the water and trying not to get bubbles.

Then be placed in the film the spray activator, and wait 10 seconds, put the piece to be decorate in the water, leave it in the water to remove impurities and lacar with spray.

Simply follow these steps you will achieve to give a new look to your car thanks to the kit hidroimpresión.



What is the hidroimpresión?

The hidroimpresión is a technique that is used to decorate pieces with the help of illustrations called water transfer printing.

This technique can be applied to any type of material, because the blades conform to the shape of the object you want to decorate, whatever. The hidroimpresión tends to be the option chosen to decorate parts of the car and getting to the smallest detail.

How can I make hidroimpresión myself?

In Audioledcar we have kit hidroimpresión so that you can perform this technique yourself from home, without the need of any technical knowledge.

The kit hidroimpresion that we have for sale include almost everything needed to carry out the hidroimpresión. Only we will need to have a bucket to be able to immerse both the film as the piece that we want to decorate. The size of the bucket will depend exclusively of the size of the piece that we are going to decorate.

What are kit hidroimpresión?

In this section you will find several types of kit hidroimpresión, designed to satisfy all our customers.

If this is your first time in hidroimpresión recommend to start with the test kit hidroimpresión. It is formed by two sheets type water transfer printing, to choose, an activator and a detailed manual with the steps to follow. In addition to the test kit hidroimpresión is very economical, for less than 20€ we can customize to our liking the piece of our car desired.

Once you've gained experience and practice on the topic of the hidroimpresión, you can decantarte for the rest of our kits, such as the basic, advanced and professional, and each of them is more complete than the previous one.

What sheets are the most commonly used in the kit hidroimpresión?

Choose between a film or the other will depend on the decoration that you want to give to our piece of the vehicle. We have films for all tastes, forms and drawings created for a perfect decoration and modern.

Between the sheets most commonly chosen in our kit hidroimpresión are the drawings Sticker Bomb and all of the related carbon, such as carbon fiber, carbon, 3D carbon and Dark.

What steps I have to follow to make hidroimpresión?

1. Apply primer on the piece that you are going to decorate. That is to say, to apply to the part a base color. The color you choose in the basis will depend on the sheet hidroimpresión you are going to use for decorating.

2. Fill a bucket with water, about 25-30 degrees. The bucket chosen must have a depth sufficient to enter the work-piece.

3. Prepare the sheet of hidroimpresión. You'll need to cut the sheet with the desired measures, and, in their ends, put masking tape. In this way you'll make sure that the foil is not deformed.

4. Put the foil on top of the water. You must place the sheet correctly, that is to say, by placing the adhesive side on the water.

5. Wait 90 seconds, and spraying the water with a trigger. This action of spraying you will have to take place at a 45-degree angle, keeping a distance of 20-25 cm and covering the entire surface.

6. Leave the trigger for 10 seconds and enter the work-piece slowly with an inclination of 30-60º.

7. Wait 30 minutes with the workpiece, submerged in water in order for the film to adhere completely to her.

8. Let dry the piece and apply lacquer (gloss or matte) depending on the finish you want to give to the piece. The lacquer is applied at a distance of 5-10 cm and a minimum of two layers. After that, leave to dry for about 30 m

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