What is needed sanding before you apply the vinyl to a liquid?

No, it is not necessary. The only important thing is that the surface is clean and dry.

How many layers I have to give?

There are between 6 and 8 layers

How much do I have to wait between each layer?

It is advisable to wait 10 or 15 minutes. But with the first layer best to wait 30 minutes.

How much should I expect once applied to all the layers?

10 hours is the recommended time

How much surface covers 1 can of 400ml?

With a can of spray you'll be able to cover more or less 1 meter square.

What if I want to vinilar a whole car as I need?

For an average vehicle will need about 8 litres, to a saloon to 12 liters and one large 16 litre

How long does a car displaying this product?

The average time is 3 to 5 years

Can I wash the car with water pressure?

Yes, you can wash gun pressure

How can I remove it?

This vinyl can be removed as the vinyl traditional