LED H7 / H1 / H3 / HB4 / HB3 / H11

Led bulbs H7, H1, H4, H3, Hb¡B4, Hb3, 9005, 9006, H11, H8 and H9 car. Ideal for installation as the lights h7 led as decorative light. We have several brands and models of led bulbs to your car, check our catalogue with more than 2400 references. All the led bulbs car H7 find them here. In addition we stock H7 Led canbus, contact us.

We have available a wide range of items for different bushings, H7, H1, H3, 9005, 9006, H11, H8, H9, etc

Among the products you can choose in our website you will find:

- Kits bulbs antinieblas LED: available for bushings, H7, H11, 9006, 9005, and H8.

These kits bulbs are perfect for install on the lights in fog, or light circle, thus increasing their power and durability.

The kits bulbs antinieblas LED's are designed to replace directly the conventional bulbs and come with CANBUS, including two canceladores of failure. Provide 1000 lumens and a power of 60 watts.

- LED bulbs crossing, antinieblas, and rotation: available for bushings, H7, H1, H4, H3, H11, 9006, 9005, 9012, H8, H9 and 881.

This product contains a couple of units of light bulbs and is designed to replace the low beam headlights or crossover, antinieblas, or money. With them we can improve our vision on the road with respect to the origin.

They are a very affordable if we want to move to LED, and it also has a simple installation, so you just need to remove the old-fashioned bulbs and put the new.

- Kit led white diamond: available for socket H7, H1, H11, 9006, 9005, H3, H8, and H9.

This product consists of two bulbs is able to increase up to 80% the visibility on the road, getting their time to improve the security behind the wheel.

Kit led white diamond has a power of 30 watts and 2800 lumens.

- Kit led ZESFOR: available for socket H7, H4, 9006, 9005, H11, H1, H8, and 9012.

This conversion kit LED is our flagship product to switch from halogen to LED. With this kit you'll gain visibility, security and brightness on the road.

The bulbs of this kit are equipped with 3000 lumens, per unit, and have a duration of 80,000 hours.

Inside each product you will be able to find the dimensions corresponding to each socket light bulb to know whether or not you can install it in your headlight of your vehicle.

- Conversion Kit to LED headlights model beginner: available for socket H7, H1, H11 and H4.

This kit is thinking to install in any vehicle that does not have CANBUS and from time to time.

Being a model beginner and, therefore, fairly low, the duration will be much less than the kits most powerful in the catalog.

For any question in LED bulbs H7, H1, H3, HB4, HB3, H11, etc, please do not hesitate to contact us through our website, live chat, email and/or phone.

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