Light registration LED Toyota

Led tuition Toyota

Boutique specialized in led tuition Toyota where you can find a wide variety of led lights for the registration of your Toyota's high quality and finish of the brand ZesfOr®. Available various models depending on the car. Each panel takes the dimensions and anchors original. In addition to the being of the brand ZesfOr® you can be sure that they are approved and spend ITV.

Check out our catalog of leds tuition for Toyota pure white (diamond) and if you have any questions about which model is valid for your car, please let us know.

The lights of tuition LED Toyota are canbus (if the car needs it) so you won't have to worry about that it's not going to give any type of error. You'll simply have to worry about enjoy the elegance of the light they give.

Can I install the license plate lights led Toyota in any car?

If, the only thing we have to look to is to select the model of light bulb tuition suitable for your car, so easy. Once purchased the product you will receive them in your house in 24 hours and you will only have to remove the soffit of enrollment old and put in the new one. Without making any type of adjustment or anything like that, just plug&play.

Recommendations when installing the bulbs of tuition for Toyota

The first thing we advise is to see our YouTube channel, where you will find a tutorial of how to install light bulbs tuition led for Toyota. After watching the video, we have to take into account that before removing the light bulb should turn off the switch that turns on that light bulb but it will be very easy to short circuit and blow the fuse. If when you put the new led bulb this does not light, try reversing the plug because the leds have polarity.

If you do not find the model of your car, please contact us or call us to advise you which bulbs to put

Specialists in license plate lights led Toyota, any doubt contact us.

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Do you have questions about how to order? Check out our video where we clarify all the steps: