- The 100 most sold
- LED lighting car
- Lighting Xenon
- Halogen Lighting
- Diagnosis
- GPS locator
- Chest car
- Parking Sensor
- Car Audio / Multimedia
- Alarm Starline
- Floor mats, car
- Seat covers for cars
- Protective Boot
- Vinyls for cars
- Hidroimpresion
- Vinyl Liquid
- Paint for Cars
- Chip Power
- EBC brake Pads and discs
- Hoses Hel
- Wiper Blades
- Derivabrisas and Deflectors
- Radar Detector Genevo®
- Tuition car
- Detailing cleaning
- Keys of car
- Sports pedals
- Accessories
- Offers Discounts
- Fitted luggage for the car
- Covers Carter
- Roof bars Cruzber
- PROFESSIONAL - Pack Discounts
- The 100 most sold
- LED lighting car
- Lighting Xenon
- Halogen Lighting
- Diagnosis
- GPS locator
- Bicycle rack
- Chest car
- Parking Sensor
- Car Audio Multimedia
- Alarm Starline
- Floor mats, car
- Seat covers for cars
- Protective Boot
- Vinyls for cars
- Hidroimpresion
- Vinyl Liquid
- Paint for Cars
- Chip Power
- Wiper Blades
- Derivabrisas and Deflectors
- Radar Detector Genevo®
- Tuition car
- Detailing cleaning
- Keys of car
- Sports pedals
- Accessories
- To Homologate The Car
- Offers Discounts
- Battery Car
- Fitted luggage for the car
- Protection Virus Covid-19
- Finder accessories
- Air suspension
- Viewer heat
- Covers Carter
- Workshop Annexes
- EBC Brake
- Hoses HEL
- Vogtland
- Car Roof Bars
Modification kilometers
Correction and adjustment of mileage
In this category you will find a wide catalogue of machines modification kilometers that will help us adjust the kilometers on the dashboard when this has been broken and we have to install a new one with a mileage different.
All of these machines correction of kilometres are designed to repair boxes. In no case will be used to deceive about the mileage of a car
The mode of operation of these machines modification of km is simple but will require technical expertise because in most cases you must disassemble the box. The first way to adjust the miles is by OBD connector. We simply connect the machine to the car, we read mileage old and put the new.
The second way is by removing the box, and with a pair of tongs to act on all the pins of the chip from the box in which we will load the new information
The third option is by welding to the box, some wires and connect them to our machine to process the old information and be able to introduce the new
Specialists in adjustment of kilometers, any questions please consult us
Product in this category.