Cleaning Leather car
In this category you will find the best brands, products, and tips to keep your leather clean, nourished and repaired, as the first day.
In Audioledcar we care for the maintenance of your vehicle, not the leather of your vehicle, an essential part as it is one of the most visible of the car.
What points should I keep in mind when cleaning the leather of my vehicle?
So the first thing that we must fix, is in a state at a glance the same, if we detect cracks, lack of leather, a brightness so intense, all of these factors will indicate the state of the leather, and with that information we will be able to acquire the product suitable for the maintenance of the same.
How do you know what kind of product to choose for each type of leather cleaning?
If, for example, our leather is smooth and only appreciate surface dirt, just have to do a maintenance cleaning, this cleaning consists of a superficial cleaning.
To do this we may use it:
Any of the cleaners leather brand Kenotek conditioner / cleaner to get effective cleaning at the same time to protect the leather from external agents.
If, on the contrary, we observed a leather cracked, dirt embedded and loss of color, we will find ourselves before a thorough cleaning, so you will need to apply another type of treatment.
In this case, we recommend a treat for parties, for this we use:
The leather cleaner, conditioner, and brush brand: Chemical Guys.
We also have a kit of cleaning up Bad boys.
We need only apply the cleaner onto the surface to be treated, scrub with the brush (always recommend that you pick a fine not to damage the coating of the original leather) and remove the dirt with a microfiber. Repeat this process as many times as necessary.
Once that process, we will condition the leather, we should only apply the conditioner on the leather and to extend the product.
Once you have completed this process, we will have completed the cleaning of the leather.
How often should I clean the leather of my vehicle?
Leather cleaning will depend on the use that we give to the vehicle.
For optimal maintenance, recommend to perform a clean surface every two or three months, and a thorough cleaning once a year.
I just need to clean a spot spot do I need to do a thorough cleaning?
In this case we can use our APC usual to remove this stain, it is not necessary to perform a full cleaning.
What type of surface of leather I use leather cleaning products?
Both the range of kenotek, as the Bad Boys and Chemical Guys can be use in any surface of leather, vehicle seats, steering wheels, knobs, hand brake, and all upholstery finished leather.
What accessories do I need for the treatment of the leather in my car?
To perform a good cleaning, it is necessary to have the right tools, it is therefore very important to know which accessory to use in each moment.
For surface cleaning, it is sufficient to use a microfiber, any of the available in our website will be perfect for this task.
However, for cleaning in depth we need more tools, in this case, we recommend the use of a brush barbed thin so as not to damage the lining that protects the leather and microfiber.
What brand should I choose?
Within the world of the engine you will find many options for the treatment of the leather, after a great deal of research, testing all kinds of brands and products, in this category we present you with the options most efficient on the market.
Chemical Guys : is one of the brands with more baggage inside the world of a detailed vehicle, without a doubt, a sure bet in the maintenance of our car.
Kenotek : one of the most recognized brands on the European level, their product are of high quality and easy application.
Bad boys: a brand with an outstanding presentation and a power cleaning spectacular.
Without a doubt, any choice you make will be successful. Each brand includes a great range of products.
If you have any questions, our customer service will be happy to resolve any further questions you may have.
Products in this category.